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Writer's pictureArchibald Velicrates


Earth was going out of a glacial period (Wiechselian/Würm) which maximum (LGM) happened 25.000 years ago. Somewhat around 16.000 BC, planet was getting hot but suddenly the trend reversed turning into a cool period called Oldest Dryas. After getting warm again, about 13.000 BC, changes into a cold stage (Older Dryas). Then it warms once more. In 12.000 BC, a last quick cooling, and an even faster warming at the end of the Younger Dryas, which ends at 10.500 BC.

It is speculated that a comet/asteroid (or several of them) reached Earth at the beginning or end of Younger Dryas. Other scientists dismiss it. Between 8,000-6,000 BC, weather reached a warm period that coincides with the start of agriculture. A new mysterious decrease in temperatures had place in 6.200 BC (8,2 Kyr event).

Geological evidence summary

  • 1) Submerged cities all over the globe.

  • 2) Rise in sea level during transition period Holocene-Pleistocene. Stone Spheres.

  • 3) Big salt mines and lakes everywhere in the planet (even in Antarctic).

  • 4) Black Sea flood (and might be Mediterranenan Zanclean)

  • 5) Temple and sites buried in mud and clay. Sand and loess cover the globe.

  • 6) Identical legend and myths in cultures separated by time and space.

  • 7) "Sun stood still in heaven" and set where it used to rise.

1.- Submerged cities

Dwarka is a sunken city near Indus Valley (Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro), where it's said to flow into the Sarasvati river, which remains goes back to 7.500 BC. Yonagumi, underwater structure south to Japan, almost sure artificial. Algae embedded in its walls have been dated in 10.000 BC. Archaeological remains include tools and stone tablets. Atlit-Yam in Israel seaside is believed to be 8.900 years. Pavlopetri in Greece is from 5.000 BC. Ruins on Alexandria‟s shore. Guanahacabibes between Cuba and Mexico is supposedly sunken since 4,000 BC. However, sea level cannot have been below that level after 50.000 BC. Bali‟s Garden in Indonesia (5.000 years) and Samoa Muliufana Bay are hints too. There are even submerged cities in Lake Titicaca. Naturally, age is claimed only of some 1.500 years.

2.- Sea levels and salt lakes

Sea level rose during Pleistocene-Holocene transition between 150-300 m. Black Sea suffered large floods from Mediterranean since 10.500 BC. Dating of organic stuff point to 7.500 BC. Eustatic and glacial changes (sea level variation respect to the continent) began in 16.000 BC lasting until 7.000 BC. There are extremely salty lakes and mysterious saline flats and mines all around the planet, even in the Antarctic continent.

3.- Origen of salt (ClNa)

Edmund Halley in XVIII century tried to calculate Earth's age by the ocean's salt cumulating rhythm from the rivers. J. Joly achieved it, which translated in 90 million years. Halley supposition was that salt dissolved the CO3Ca from sedimentary rock and carried to the sea. River water has a lot of carbonates (80% of the salts), less sulfates (13%) and even less chlorines (7%). Even a creationist physicist as B. Setterfield, acknowledges that not all salt deposits could have formed during a Flood. These deposits formed in tectonic basins.

Part of salts can be explained by land washing and deposits in sea beds; it's known that chlorine is also obtained from volcanic eruptions, but to account all chlorine in the oceans, eruptions should have happened in an unimaginable scale. Sodium is easily explainable by rock washing which has large quantities of CO3Na2. Where do chlorine which are the main 89% of salt water?

With so dissimilar compositions, it‟s obvious that there is no accurate way to calculate Earth‟s age comparing the amount of salts in the ocean with the rivers input; at best, we can calculate the amount of carbonates in rivers relative to the poor concentration of those salts in the sea; but then THERE IS NO EXPLANATION FOR RICH CONTENT OF CHLORINE in the world seas.

It must have been a lot of water a long ago in order to all chlorine dissolving in it instead escaping into space1.That means that Cl and water should have existed together and, therefore, CANNOT COME FROM rock washing carried by rivers, nor from extreme volcanism. Until half XX century, Halley‟s idea that chlorine and the other salts reached the ocean by washing and dragging of rivers. The hypothesis of volcanic chlorine origin came in the 60s decade, after Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" publication. Chance?

Volcanism that created Deccan Traps lasted millennia, and was the source of chlorine. Some argue that volcanic eruptions which caused Deccan Traps 65 million years ago, were triggered by Chicxulub impact, the meteor that destroyed dinosaurs. But recent studies prove that asteroid impacts cannot generate volcanism. Other studies say that volcanism can be due to earthquakes. If HF and HCl emission rate has doubled since 1986, which implies a huge variability5, how can ratios be used to calculate Cl deposition in the oceans?

4.- Black Sea and Mediterranean

Mediterranean Sea was flooded 5 million years ago in a short period of time (from months to years). This process was led by the Saline Messinian Crisis (Miocene), and is known as Zanclean Flood. Theoretically, dessiccation during Messinian Crisis left huge halite deposits (ClNa), but it doesn't explain where it came from. Black Sea was affected by several large floods from the Mediterranean around 10.500 BC. Datings of organic mud layered in the Black Sea point to 7.500 BC.

5. Sand and Loess

Loess are not so linked to glacial ice as previously believed. Their dating implies events/mechanisms close in time. There are two groups: 70-130 thousand years, and 30-50 thousand years. Causes may include natural erosion or weathering, extraterrestrial material (deposits during interplanetary interactions as suggested by Velikovsky), in a similar way to shepherded moons (material captured by planet’s atmospheres as they travel through a dusty solar system with debris from planetary catastrophes). Creation/transmutation of solar system material in small local electrical geological events.

5.- Buried Temples and sites

To see the rest of pictures of mud covered sites, please go to the end of the article and download the full presentation.

6.- Stories and legends alike

Plato described Atlantis and the Flood in Critias and Timaeus . In his dialogue "Laws" he also talks about another Flood (Ogyges) which happened thousands of years before. In Enoch‟s book (Methuselah‟s father and Noah‟s grandfather) same is narrated. In Chinese myth, Mount Penglai (Horai in Japan) was an island were "Immortals" lived. Mythical Xia dinasty, from which the other dynasties stemmed was destroyed by a Flood4. Gun-Yu myth is just a version of it. Atrahasis Epic in Sumer and Gilgamesh Saga in Babylon also describe the same phenomenon in different styles.

Greeks has three version of the legend: In Ogyges time (mythical king of Attica, which means „primordial‟, who was founder of Thebes according to some sources), there was a Flood which covered the world and there were no kings until the time of Crecrops (its etymology is not greek). Main source is Plato in Critias, Timaeus and "Laws".

Deucalion myth is similar to Gilgamesh and Atrahasis, and talks about the warning of the titan Prometheus to his son Deucalion (Noah), in order to build an ark and saving his wife Pyrrha (daughter of his titan brother Epimetheus and Pandora) and his family. These end in Mount Othrys helping mankind resurfacing (Hellanicus IV century). The main source is “Bibliotheca” by Apollodrus of Athens (c.II BC, pseudo). The book seems to be based on Tragodoumea (tragedies) by Asclepiades from Tragilus (c.IV BC). Some myths match the Theogony "creation myths" by Hesiod (c.VII BC).

Dardanus (son of Zeus and Elektra, grand-daughter of Atlas) left Arcadia to settle in the Aegean Sea according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus (c.I BC). After the Deluge, he arrives in Asia Minor (Mount Ida, Crete). Together with his brother Yasion, they built a ship/craft to flee from Samothrace. When they reach Abydos at Mysia, they are hosted by king Teucer. His grandson Tros, founded Troy.

In the walls of Edfu Temple (Kom Ombo) are described the Neteru and the sinking of its island, from where they came. This is called "Zep Tepi" (First Time). In the Papyrus of Ani and Unas Pyramid Texts (whose real title is the "Book of the ones that come back during day" instead of 'Book of the Dead') is told the story of Aha Men Ptah (the place of Ptah). There is an alternative Flood story, where the main characters are Ra and Sekhmet

(Hathor), who causes a bloody Deluge. This is the "Celestial Cow" (burial KV62).

Several versions/translations in Aztec (Cocox and Xochiquetzal) [versions of Noah]. Oral myth transmitted by Andean and Inca cultures. Maya myths (Popol Vuh, Chilam Balam, Códice Dresden). There are stories about Floods in Polinesia and Micronesia (even Hawaii), and the Ark Gumana6 from Australian aborigine myth. Germanic, Scandinavian (Ymir), Celtic, Vogul (Ural Mountains) and Finnish people (Kalevala) have similar tellings. In Zulu, Yoruba (Nigeria) cultures, and the myth of Tumbainot from Massai in Kenya, Native American Indians as Arapahoe, or Algonquin People from Canada, or the Cree Indians the same thing happens. Famous Hindu myth of Manu or Satyavrata (Noah) is one of the best known. In Pomphei/Ponape (Nan-Madol), Easter Island, etc. there are myths related to creation.

7.- "The Sun rose where it used to set"

Mayas had a legend about two gods that wanted to become the sun. In the same way, there were two simultaneous sun-gods for Australian aborigines. In Senmut's tomb (son of Ramses) there are hieroglyphic depictions which look like if the stars were rising in the West. As much in Persian Avesta as in Vedic Texts it's told about stationary suns (depending on interpretations). In Avesta, Yasht is referred as "eye of Ahura Mazda"; in Vedas, Surya was "the Eye of Varuna". In Mahabharata, Arjuna despairs when his son dies; Earth sank and Krishna stopped Sun in the sky.

Other references (according to Velikovsky, original texts are missing):

1. "Magical Papyrus Harris" «south became north and Earth turned around».

2. "Ipuwer Papyrus" «ground span as a potter's wheel»; «Earth turned down».

3. "Ermitage Papyrus (Leningrade 116b)" «ground turned down, it happened what had

never happened».

Plato wrote in 'Politicus': “I'm talking about the change in the rise and setting of the sun and the other heavenly bodies, as in those moments they used to set where they now rise and the rose where they now set, but the god in the moment of the dispute, changed all this to the current system as an attestation honouring Atreus”.

Euripides wrote in "Elektra": “But then, Zeus changed the paths of brilliant stars, the glory of radiant sun and the bright face of dawn. By the West he drove the hot flames of the sky, rainy clouds moved to the north, so the lands of Ammon were dry... All withered, deprived by Zeus of the beautiful rains”. “In that moment, there is a big destruction of animals and only a small fraction of human kind survives”.

Solinus in "Polyhistor" (32.37): “The same people say they were told by their first forefathers that where today sets the sun, before it rose”.

In the Ugaritic Texts (Ras-Shamra) it is said about Anat (Venus): “She massacred the population of the East (Levante) and exchanged the two dawns, and the position of the stars”. In the Bible (Joshua 10.13) is said that “the Sun and the Moon stood still in the midst of heaven”.

Herodotus in the "Persian Wars" wrote: “The Sun rose twice contrary to his will, and set where he now rises” (as he was told by Egyptian priests, “during the last 300 generations”, some 10.000 years).

In Dyonisiaca, Nonnus describes Phaeton story: “Phaeton drove harder, moving its chariot to the south, shaking the unmovable universe: the axis that runs through the middle of revolving heaven was bent”.

Why did it happened? Which was the mechanism?

In the first place, where did all ocean water in Earth come from? And the salt (especially chlorine)?

To know more about solar system re-arrangement, Saturn's theories and Flood, the Dryas periods, the Pole Shift and even a little overview in Plate Tectonics theories click:

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