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Writer's pictureArchibald Velicrates

Are WiFi and 5G healthy?

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

Oddly enough, cities with the most deathly cases of Covid 19 are located in places where 5G network infrastructure has already been deployed (1). Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, was chosen to be China's first 5G "smart city" and the location of China's first 5G smart highway. Wuhan is also the centre of the horrendous coronavirus epidemic. The possible link between these two events was first discussed in an Article of October 31, 2019 entitled: "Wuhan was the province where 5G was launched, now the centre of the deadly virus" (2).

The first smart lights of this type were installed on May 14, 2019 (3), but large numbers only started to be implemented in October 2019, so that there was a vertiginous increase on infrastructure in the last 2 and a half months of 2019. In Italy, first deployments took place in Milan, then Turin and Bologna (4). Developing plan of 5G technology in Spain is already taking place currently. Spain wanted to have the largest optic fibre network in Europe (with 33.3 Million access points) and a coverage (4G) about 95%. 5G infrastructures are commercially available in Madrid, Bilbao-Vitoria-Logroño and Barcelona (5).


Are these findings pure coincidence or does 5G have any causal role in exacerbating the coronavirus epidemic? To answer that question, we must determine whether biological mechanisms with important roles in modulation of neuronal functions, synaptic plasticity, neurotransmitter release and gene transcription, called Voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) are affected by cells environment.


According to some works (6), the effects of viral infection, especially processes with roles in virus spread via RNA replication are stimulated by oxidative stress. Excessive activation of VGCCs is a major component of excitotoxicity, as severely elevated levels of intracellular calcium activates enzymes which, at high enough levels, can degrade essential cellular structures. Other aspects of viral replication, including those involved in virus spread, are stimulated by increased intracellular calcium [Ca2 +], oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis, each of which increases after of exposure to EMFs (7).

"In addition to increased UV resistance, an additional phenotypic trait observed in unexposed and UV exposed populations was the sequential onset of biphasic kinetics. This feature has also been observed in bacterial populations exposed to high concentrations of antibiotics or heavy metals (Harrison et al. 2005; Lewis 2010; Maisonneuve and Gerdes 2014). These so-called bacterial persistence can show multiple resistance to various antibiotics when entering a dormant state, and are therefore less affected by the drug treatment. The "viral persistence", as observed here, cannot be explained by a latency, and the molecular basis of the observed biphasic kinetics is NOT UNDERSTOOD." (8) (9) (10)

And it is not a matter of avoiding infections. Humans are 90% made of bacteria (11) and virus code in our DNA has been found in a large percentage (12).


5G WAVES (30-100 GHz) "DO NOT HAVE FINAL STUDIES ASSURING THEY DO NOT HARM PEOPLE". In a USA Senate session in Feb-2019, Senator Richard Blumenthal inquired Mr. Steve Berry, President and CEO of Competitive Carriers Association, and Mr. Gillen, allegedly from a 5G Telecommunication Consortium, and they both acknowledge that inversion in health safety studies was NULL! (14 Please see linked video.) Most studies that claim EMF 'not to cause biological damage', use WiFi devices different from conventional ones and exposures of just 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. Other studies verbatim say "there is no clear evidence" (51) (53), or "the effects on DNA are unlikely" (52) (54), but they do not assert anything (logically it is impossible to demonstrate that they DO NOT cause biological effects). Studies as Laudisi et al. (2012) (17), Sambucci et al. (2010), Aït-Aïssa et al., 2010, Aït-Aïssa et al., 2012, Aït-Aïssa et al., 2013 Poulletier de Gannes et al., 2012, Poulletier de Gannes et al., 2013 (16), are discussed in (15).

It was published in Scientific American that "We have No Reason to believe that 5G is safe" (18).


Mobile and telecommunication firms have issued reports to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Comission) that they are accounting provisions due to lawsuits and investigations on damages caused by EMF and WIFI. Economic warning list includes Vodafone, Verizon, Lloyds, AT&T, Vodafone, China Mobile USA, General communication Inc, American Tower Corp, Crown Castle International, Telefonica, America Mobile, Microsoft (assuming Nokia responsibilities), T-Mobile, Nokia and so on.

They claim that "We CANNOT BE SURE that Future Studies will not impute a link between electromagnetic fields and adverse health effects",

So many insurance companies DO NOT INCLUDE EMF OR WIFI in insurance policies and the mobile companies provide provisions for compensation.


"At 60 GHz, the oxygen molecule becomes highly absorbent for electromagnetic energy, weakening the 60 GHz signals at a distance, preventing them from exceeding their target (prevent devices interference). This oxygen absorption also reduces radiation from the link, so one 60 GHz link will not interfere with other 60 GHz links operating in the same geographic neighbourhood, allowing for higher frequency reuse" (33). "However, the oxygen absorption situation means that the maximum operating range for 60 GHz links is influenced by rain, although not by fog, mist, dust or snow. That means that the impact of potential rain must be taken taken into account in any 60 GHz backhaul implementation, something that is easily addressed because rainfall statistics are well known by locations around the world" (34).

Skin sweat ducts act as signal conductors between 70-110 Ghz. it. Observed effects when exposed to these frequencies were physiological stress, pulse and systolic blood pressure (35). in another study, the presence of the sweat duct led to a high specific absorption rate (SAR) of the skin in extremely high frequency band at 24 Ghz (87). The immune activity of mice exposed to 42 Ghz and 35 Ghz EMF was reduced by 50% (36). Despite the O2 absorption peak being at 60 Ghz (and 118 Ghz), NO effects on O2 binding with hemoglobin were observed from 40-115 Ghz in one of the few studies carried (37).

"In summary, the majority of studies with MMW exposures show biological responses. From this observation, however, no in-depth conclusions can be drawn regarding the biological and health effects of millimetre wave exposures in the 6–100 GHz frequency range. The studies are very different and the total number of studies is surprisingly low. The reactions occur both in vivo and in vitro and affect all biological endpoints studied". (51)

There does not seem to be a consistent relationship between intensity (power density), exposure time, or frequency, and the effects of exposure. On the contrary, and strikingly, higher power densities do not cause more frequent responses, since the percentage of responses in most frequency groups is already at 70%. Some authors refer to their study results as having “non-thermal” causes, but few have applied appropriate temperature controls. The question therefore remains whether warming is the main cause of any observed millimetre wave effects? (51) "In order to evaluate and summarize the 6–100 GHz data in this review, we draw the following conclusions:

  • At power densities not exceeding the exposure guidelines the studies provide no clear evidence, due to contradictory information from the in vivo and in vitro investigations.

  • Regarding the possibility of “non-thermal” effects, the available studies provide no clear explanation of any mode of action of observed effects.

  • Regarding the quality of the presented studies, too few studies fulfill the minimal quality criteria to allow any further conclusions.

Despite this, the following paper (53) concludes that these radiations can be absorbed by human animal bodies even unintended, and that there is a growing concern in the scientific community since the use of smart phones is increasing exponentially. The IARC (International Agency of Research in Cancer) has classified RF-EMFs as a possibly carcinogenic to humans (Baan et al., 2011) and warms of the danger of EMF exposure. Moreover, it has been hypothesized that a variety of neurological effects may occur as a result of RF-EMF exposure due to the proximity of the cranial nervous system and the location where the cellular phone is predominantly used. Neurological abnormalities include headache (Frey at al. 1998), changes in sleep habits (Wagner et al 1998), changes in EEG (Braune et al, Mann et al. 1998), neurological cognitive disorders (tremor, dizziness, memory loss, loss of concentration and sleep disturbance due to RF-EMF) (Kolodynski and Kolodynska, 1996; Santini et al. 2002; Hutter et al.2006; Abdel-Rassoul et al., 2007).


(3G, 4G, WiFi, Satellite)

EM fields produce effects such as FATIGUE, STRESS, MUSCLE PAIN, SLEEP DISORDERS, ITCHY... (39) FEVER can be 'artificial' due to the body energy absorption. Radio-frequencies (WIFI) make bacteria and viruses resistant to antibiotics and defenses and the organism susceptible to infection (40) (therefore, fever). In 1973 it was known that 2.4 Gigahertz wavelength destroys our ability to fight infection. This wavelength was then selected to cover the entire western world. Damage occurs in tissue repair (44). Defenses against environmental stressors decrease (41). "However, as we have learned that even minimal intensity electromagnetic fields, such as endogenous electromagnetic fields, modify the human microbiome, and their effects could be much more complex and far-reaching". (42) (43) If we have a chronic infection that produces endotoxins, such as Lyme, or exposure to mold in our house, or chronic EBV - WiFi and the use of cell phones greatly enhances the virulence of the problem (46) and opens the blood-brain barrier (which is why our central nervous system it becomes mincemeat. A 7-minute phone call can permanently activate your hidden EBV. (47) (Epstein-Barr virus (abbreviated EBV) is a virus in the herpes-virus family (family that also includes herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus.) It is the major cause of acute infectious mononucleosis, a common syndrome characterised by fever, sore throat, extreme fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. Epstein-Barr virus infection occurs worldwide.)

At 1.800 MHz DNA is broken (49). EMF PULSES are generally much more BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE than non-pulsed EMFs (also known as continuous waves) of identical frequency and similar average intensity (Osipov, 1965, Pollack and Healer, 1967, Yael 2020; Creighton et al., 1987, Grigor'ev, 1996, Belyaev, 2005, Belyaev, 2015, Markov, 2007, Van Boxem et al., 2014, Pall, 2015b, Panagopoulos et al., 2015b). This pattern of action is particularly important because all wireless communication devices, including Wi-Fi (Panagopoulos et al., 2015b, Maret, 2015) communicate via keystrokes and are likely to be particularly dangerous as a result of this. Panagopoulos et al., 2015b have argued that the more pulsed they are, the more damaging the EMF will be and, although this may still be questioned, it may be a more or less applicable generalization. (58) (59) (60 (61)

"Actual emissions from mobile phones vary constantly and unpredictably and are, therefore, very different from simulated emissions using fixed parameters and no variability. This variability is an important parameter that makes actual emissions more bioactive. Living organisms appear to have decreased defenses against high variability environmental stressors. While experimental studies using simulated EMF emissions show strong inconsistency between their results with less than 50% reporting effects, studies using actual exposures from mobile phones demonstrate almost 100% consistency in showing adverse effects." (62)

EMF effects are often cumulative and irreversible (63). Chemical and electrical interaction within and between cells is well established. Just the opposite is true about cellular interactions via other physical fields. The most probable candidate for an other form of cellular interaction is the electromagnetic field. Though small it is continually accumulating (86). Three of the 1970's human occupational exposure studies reviewed in Raines (1981) showed that the effects increased substantially with increasing time of exposure to a particular type and intensity of EMF (64). Wi-Fi and other EM fields can be particularly damaging to young people (65). Most of the arguments that microwave frequency EMFs can be much more damaging to young children have focused on much smaller skulls and skull thickness in young children, increasing the exposure of their brains to the EMFs (Gandhi and Kang, 2001, Gandhi et al., 2012) (66) (67). (65) (66) (67)


Health tests related to safety levels (radiation dose) of EMF are restricted to thermal effects (tissue heating). This is measured by the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) index. The legal limit in the USA and Europe for mobile radiation is 1000 microWatts / cm2 (48). Scientific studies say that from 0.1 microWatts, harmful effects begin to be seen. Below accepted specifications (1.6 W/kg) DNA strands are broken (49). The microwave range in which 5G operates is used by weapons of the American army for mass dispersal (90 Ghz) (56). We are not saying it is going to be used that way, but eventually it could be. The FCC rules and limits are governed by people derived from the industries of the Telecommunications sector. If there is some requirement from the Government to the Wireless Company they must provide compliance to the FCC rules, not the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) nor the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), which both have studies showing health issues. (57)

"The Fox guarding the henhouse" according to the textual words of the American Senator Pattrick Collbeck) (57) (Please, see video). "They were also designed for short exposures of between 6-30 minutes outdoors".

Certifying companies themselves are that "millimetre wave bands (24–52 GHz) present a particularly difficult challenge with regard to measuring RF exposure" (85).



Radio frequency emissions (10 Mhz-3.6 Ghz) show effects on BIRDS, INSECTS, VERTEBRATES AND PLANTS IN 70% OF STUDIES (out of 113 scientific papers) (68) (69). The bees that were studied using RFID (UHF) devices showed a doubling in their mortality, and their use was recommended no more than 2 hours a day (70). Plants see modified processes such as (71):

  • Metabolism of oxygen-reactive species (These species form naturally as a by-product of normal oxygen metabolism and have an important role in cell signalling. However, in times of environmental stress, their levels can increase greatly, which can result in significant damage to cell structures (this leads to a situation known as oxidative stress) (72).

  • Alpha and beta amylase (71).

  • Krebs Cycle (cellular respiration that releases energy through oxidative processes, in the form of ATP) (71).

  • Pentose-phosphate pathway (related to glycolysis and the manufacture of riboses, nucleotides and nucleic acids) (71).

  • Chlorophyll content (71).

  • Altered gene expression, reduced growth, etc (71).


Solar storms and geomagnetic fields also affect living things (73). Medical statistics show that 70% of all micro variations, caused by geomagnetic disturbances, are accompanied by an abnormally high incidence of heart attacks (a growth of about 13%) and strokes (growth of 7.5%) (74). Low and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields destabilise the heartbeat (75) (76). Terrestrial magnetism has been shown to have effects on blood pressure (77). Environmental electromagnetic fields have a clear effect on the suicide rate (78). Some hypotheses have associated cyclical pandemics to Solar Activity (11-22 year cycle), beginning the study with the Spanish Flu of 1918 (79) (80) (81). Viruses have been detected at high altitudes above the stratosphere. The amount of viruses that fall from the atmosphere is up to 3,800 million per m2 every week (82). The virus diverts critical energies by clogging ribosomes and other native replication infrastructures such as polymerases (83); in this way, it turns the immune system against the host. Viruses have been detected in meteorites and are known to be part of comets' tails, being directed to Earth by the solar wind (84).



  • Human beings are 90% made of bacteria and contain at least 10% of virus code in their DNA.

  • Animal bodies work electrically. Cells membranes act as capacitors (double lipid layers) and resistors (voltage gated channels, VGCC).

  • Viruses use these VGCC to enter the cells. Electromagnetic Fields, EMF, hyper-activate them increasing virus replication rate and resistance.

  • Safety levels are ruled by FCC (coming from Communication companies, so there is a Conflict of Interests). Are just based on thermal effects (SAR) or heating.

  • Insurance and Mobile corporations cannot vouch safety from harming effects and are regarding losing lawsuits because of future scientific research.

  1. 3G, 4G, WiFi or Satellite frequencies modify the human microbiome, producing endotoxins and then fever, sore throat, extreme fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes.

  2. EMF PULSES are generally much more BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE than non-pulsed EMFs, and decrease defenses against high variability environmental stressors. May break DNA strands. Negative effects are cumulative and irreversible.

  3. 5G frequencies cause physiological stress, alter pulse and systolic blood pressure, lead to high SAR levels, and produce immune system suppression. Frequencies from 1.3 and 2.5 up to 100 Ghz are suspicious to be cancerous, and trigger headache, changes in sleep habits, changes in EEG, neurological cognitive disorders (tremor, dizziness, memory loss, loss of concentration and sleep disturbance due to RF-EMF) and modify behaviour.

  4. Effects on birds, insects, vertebrates and plants include: altering metabolism of ROS (causing oxidative stress), Krebs Cycle and pentose-phosphate pathway inducing changes in gene expression.



(6) (J Mol Biol. November 28, 2008; 383 (5): 1081-96. Variable Oligomerization Modes in Coronavirus 9 Nonstructural Protein. Ponnusamy R, Moll R, Weimar T, Mesters JR, Hilgenfeld R.)

(7 )(Virology. 2020 Jan 2; 539: 38-48. Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) modulates calcium to promote viral replication. Bai D, et al.ux)


(15) Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health






(51) 5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects—A Pragmatic Review Based on Available Studies Regarding 6 to 100 GHz (2019)

(52) Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Organs and Tissues

(53) Possible Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Central Nerve System (2019)


(54) Health effects of electromagnetic fields (2013)


(57) FCC rules (not CDC or EPA)

(86) Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology-Electromagnetic cellular interactions (hundreds of citations to papers on EMFs affecting cells)





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