Big Bang and expanding universe cosmology and alternative models.
Horizon problem (1965). This caused the Horizon Problem0 when measured with WMAP and COBE a temperature too homogeneous (bathtub analogy). He jointly created the problem of flatness.
Matter-Antimatter and Barionic Asymmetry (1989) [6 * 10e6 γ per barion] and the H / He2 Ratio.
Flatness and Cte. Cosmological: A universe made only of matter would be 9 10e9 years old but there are older galaxies. Stars older than the Big Bang have been found (even at the core of the Milky Way).
The Cosmological Constant, associated with the modern concept of Dark Energy (negative pressure or negative gravity), which causes the Acceleration of Expansion, should contradict the Principle of Energy Conservation. The luminosity correction process of Type Ia Supernovas is key. Rigorous statistical tests show that the expansion would NOT be accelerated, and lambda would be misunderstood.
Whatever it is, it accounts for 73% of the total cosmos, 23% Mat. Dark and 4% Conventional Matter / Energy (of which 99.9999% in plasma state9).
In 1971, H. Arp discovered the first of many anomalies of redshift (NGC439 and Markarian 205). The best known case is NGC76033. Two objects with very different redshift and away from each other interact materially.
CMBR origin (full of ‘predictions’ ad hoc). Explosion too uniform. There are anisotropies (Cold Spot). Hydrogen Model / CMBR4 (if CMBR due to spreading of wavelength with space, light from remote galaxies is also affected): CMBR is the exchange of microwaves between interstellar and intergalactic hydrogen atoms. Others point to a terrestrial oceanic origin for such radiation.
Philosophical problems about the First Cause (First Unmoved Mover) and the Singularity. Problems related to the Planck Scale (Planck Era).
Dark Matter, Undetectable Neutrino Dark Oscillations, Hyper-Mega-Super Giant Black Holes, MACHOs (Dark Stars), Dark Energy, Singularities, infinite magnitudes, WIMPs, Dark Hydrogen, Dark Flow7, Foreign Matter, anomalies...
BIG BOUNCE: cyclic universe without reaching a singularity. Gravity becomes repulsive at Planckian scales (P. Singh) LQC (
Universe NATURAL SELECTION: Born in black holes from which it evolves. To reproduce new black holes must be created. (L. Smolin).
BRANAS COLLISION: it relies on String Theory, and says that BB is just a collision of membranes in other dimensions (Turok).
The Universe as Wave: (String Theory). It does not require previous universes but there may be "parallel" universes. He maintains (like Hawking) that there are only gray holes (without eventual horizons). It solves the problem of the Cold Spot in the CMBR (zone of low Temp - in microwaves - called the Great Void) (L. Mersini).
Conforming Cyclic Cosmology6 CCC: R. Penrose - before a strong defender and promoter of BB-, connects a finite sequence of open space-times, in which the end of a universe is the beginning of another that expands infinitely. It goes from an infinite Temp and Density to a null Temp and density, that represents the passage of an infinite without mass to a point without dimensions in what is called conforme 'conformal transition'.
Quasi-Stable Universe: matter packages are created as the univ. expand (mini BB).
Eternal Inflation: our universe is a bubble within a larger one that continues to expand incredibly fast. There may be many others like ours (Guth).
Mirror Universes (in Time): in the BB 2 cosmos are created that expand in opposite temporal directions (J. Barbour).
Quasi-Stationary Universe (QSSC): Narlikar, univ. Cyclic with mini-events creating matter in eventual horizons (without singularity) and repulsive fields that expel it explosively.
Collision in Higher Dimensions: is a variation of the Branas Model by the physicist of Princeton P. Steinhardt. The CMBR is explained as the energy of one of those collisions. Collisions occur cyclically and each cycle affects the next.
Rainbow Gravity: light experiences gravity differently according to wavelength. The effect is important when we approach the BB. In computerized models it has been seen that the singularity might not exist -not even a BB-, which suggests an eternal universe.
Slow Freezing: The cosmos was cold and only seems hot in the past. He says that gravity weakens over time and the particles become heavier; this would give the impression of more Temp. There is no BB or singularity, and the universe has always existed frozen until the moment of what we call BB (C. Wetterich). It is not very scientific because it is impossible to prove it, since there is nothing to use as a reference.
Computerized Simulation (Matrix): Assumes that mental states come from something physical. (N. Bostrom and Elon Musk). The probability that we are in a ‘real’ universe is 0 given the huge number of simulations. It is related to the Holographic Principle -based on String Theory-; which says that the description of a 3D volume can be coded in 2D.
Quantum Fluid: Denies Relativity (canceling singularity and BB), and says that the cosmos is eternal and full of quantum fluid composed of gravitons, responsible for Dark Energy.
Dimensional tear: based on Super Strings, it is a PC simulation in which they saw spontaneous symmetry breaks. Specifically, 3 dimensions were inflated while the other 6 remained stagnant (Kim and Nishimura).
Plasma Cosmology of Alfven-Klein (Actualist better than Prophetic). The Universe consists of Plasma (in different ‘states’), may or may not be composed of matter and antimatter in equal parts, separated by a kind of double layers. Here dark matter and energy are not necessary, nor are initial premises or axioms, as we investigate backwards in time.
Redshift occurs when electromagnetic radiation, usually visible light, that is emitted or reflected in an object is shifted towards red side of the electromagnetic spectrum. More generally, redshift is defined as an increase in the wavelength (frequency decrease) of the electromagnetic radiation received by a detector compared to the wavelength emitted by the source...
Causes of redshift:
Doppler: when a light source moves away from an observer (as in sound waves). In astrophysics and spectroscopy it is used to determine the movement of distant astronomical objects or the speed of satellites.
Cosmological: or expansion of the universe/space. Theoretically it explains the spectral redshift of galaxies, quasars and intergalactic gas clouds.
Gravitational: derived from the Principle of Equivalence (acceleration = fall).
Other causes not considered when redshift was blamed for expansion, speed of galaxies and related to distance.
Wolf effect 1987: Two sources that emit energy can interact in a way that causes a change in the spectral lines (resonance as in tuning forks).
Broullin Scattering 1922: interaction with material waves in an object.
Compton Scattering 1923: photons dispersed by electrically charged particles, giving energy to them. In the reverse dispersion the ions yield E to the photon (blueshift).
Raman Scattering 1928: scattered photons have E / ν different from the incidents (contrary to Rayleigh that have the same energy).
Intrinsic redshift 1967: The redshift is a product of the age of galaxies and stars, taking into account that the mass is variable depending on the load. Halton Arp discovered galaxies linked by bridges of matter with very different redshift.
Quantized redshifts 1991: Although it is not a cause, the fact that the displacement values are discrete and not continuous, it's linked to electromagnetic causes (impossible to be gravitational).
Flyby anomalies: Acceleration speed of satellites near planets (measured by redshift) of up to 13 mm/s. It doesn't really change their speed, but their redshift.
The relativistic formula of the redshift does not work over long distances, since this varies over time, the remote ones change faster. The clusters are very quiet and any real movement is very small, its movement is within what is required to remain attached to the group. This eliminates the problem of the "missing" mass and the need for dark matter, which is due to the misinterpretation of the redshift as a speed.
Interaction with plasma 2005: scattered and hot with photons produces redshift. It has been reproduced in the laboratory.
Photon interaction with unkown particles: It would be hypothetical dispersions of light by collisions with particles (fields) in its path. I understand that they are particles not yet represented in the Standard Model.
Simkin effect: Due to the pollution of light, and atmospheric effects and the nearby gas of our galaxy...
Some redshift are misinterpreted, as it is the mass estimate in some distant clusters galaxies. Because astronomical observations measure through a single filter, the observer measures a fraction of the total spectrum, running red in the frame of the observer.
For more information search 'intrinsic redshift' in Google Scholar or check this Harvard link.
In 1937 Adams and Dunham had already speculated on a radiation product of the supposed Big Bang.
On April 1, 1965 Penzias and Wilson casually detect a 3.5 K (4080 MHz/s) signal.
On 7-May-1965 Dicke and Pebbles attribute it to the Big Bang Echo.
On May 13, 1965, Penzias and Wilson published the definitive paper of their discovery, recognizing the interpretation of Dicke and Peebles.
Water generates microwaves.
P.M. Robitaile believes that the oceans are who produce or have produced such radiation around the planet.
G. Smoot (Nobel) states that its radiometer temperature rose when a vapor cloud settled upon it (in Berkley).
R. Weiss (Nobel) says that lakes and oceans affect radiometric measurements.
The prestigious Soviet radiophysicist Paris M. Herouni, measured the noise signal of his radio telescope (at 1700 m above sea level), between 2.6 and 2.8K. If just the alleged CMBR signal of the Big Bang should already provide 2.7K ( which should be 5.3K in total) it follows that the Big Bang could not have occurred. [World Radio-Optical Telescope ROT-54/2.6 Radiophysics Research Institute (RRI, Yerevan, Armenia)]