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Writer's pictureArchibald Velicrates

The clash of Saturn and Jupiter

Updated: Nov 30, 2019

Origin of Solar System

Once upon a time Saturn was a sort of star, something like astronomers call brown or red dwarf star. As most stars it had its own set of planets and satellites, among which the biggest ones were Earth, Mars and Neptune. The main feature why we assume that is because the rotational axis of these planets is about 23-29 degrees, roughly similar to Saturn's one which is 26º. Uranus may have also formed part of the system, in spite of that its tilt is 98 degrees, probably due to some catastrophic interaction with other celestial orb.

Proto-Saturn entered Sun's heliosphere and became a comet. This means it began to exchange charge with its environment trying to reach charge balance. Before crossing the 'boundary', our former star had its connection to the galactic circuit (Birkeland current) as any other star. Then both currents merged as Saturn approached the Sun with its brood within the dwarf's plasmasphere. It may happened through the South Celestial Pole (from Sun's equatorial plane view). Venus was probably born from that nova-like paroxysm. As it got close to the ecliptic at an angle of 26 degrees, Saturn's satellites aligned behind it like beads on a string. This has been called Polar Configuration.

Up to this point most of the people who have studied the issue agree. During Polar Configuration, inhabitants of Earth in the northern hemisphere would see the dwarf-star Proto-Saturn as a fixed luminary in the celestial north pole (where we currently see Polaris). Saturnian system orbited the bigger Sun in an eccentric orbit, that gradually became more circular. Fair enough until Jupiter clashed with us.

The Greek myth is the best known in western world, tough not the only one. Cronus is the god that represented our planet Saturn. The story goes like this. Cronus was a benevolent god, ruling a time named Golden Age, and was regarded a god of abundance, vegetation and agriculture, depicted in green in some cultures. (Brown dwarfs plasmaspheres are considered the best possible cradles for life, and the purple-reddish twilight inside has been proven ideal for plant growth.) However, a prophecy stated that he will bee overthrown like he had done with his father Ouranos. Thus, Cronos swallowed all the children his consort Rhea brought forth. This is usually interpreted as a nova-like eruption of the dwarf star. But, it is said that Rhea hid his bravest son, Zeus, and cheated his consort by giving him a stone (omphalus) to eat. When adult Zeus returns to heaven and forces Cronus "to regurgitate his sons", which could mean the end 'Golden Age' and the Expulsion of Eden for Mars and Earth, which are sent out of Saturn's plasma-sheath.

Some versions talk about Gaia being the one who drugs Cronus making him disgorge his sons. Robert Graves refers to Byzantine poet Ioannes Tzetzes to claim that Saturn was castrated as he did with his father Ouranos (this may indicate a duplication of the myth). Anyway Cronus began to be considered 'god of time' and rule harshly. According to Diodorus Siculus (30 BC) Cronus was defeated by Dionysus (son of Ammon, sun deities) and he established Zeus as supreme ruler of Egypt. In the Sybilline Oracles is described the distribution of Cronus kingdom among Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Notwithstanding so many versions, Hesiod's Theogony should be considered the most reliable source. Unfortunately, most of what is known about the writings comes from XV century, though there are several XIII century manuscripts and it is said that 50 pieces of papyrus and parchment survived from 1st to 6th century AD. Whether there was a time lapse after Zeus (or Gaia) forcing Cronus to disgorge and the Titanomachy war that ensued that event or not, Saturn turned nova and when the glow diminished it was seen being cast down to the underworld (Tartarus).

In some researchers' view this happens at 0.7 AU. If so, and assuming a low eccentricity of 0.3, Saturn's Hill-Sphere (the range where it could hold its satellites regardless of Sun's attraction) will be 3 M Km. With an eccentricity of 0.9, like that of Halley, Earth would have been in a distance of 478.000 km only!

Saturn would appear as a disc of 6.6 degrees!! Venus (say at 2 M km) 41 min of arc (bigger than current Sun). Mars (say at 1 Mkm) 23 arcmin. A Saturn image 12 times the size of current Sun in times of Minoans, Hittites, Mycenaean, Hebrews, Babylonian, Egyptians or Greeks should have been drawn or carved in walls, murals or paintings, since the art of many of these cultures was quite realistic.

Moreover, how can we explain Pleistocene Glaciations??

According to Woelfi, Nufer, Baltensperger, a Planet Z (Mars size) at half Moon's distance (200.000 km) would create a deformation of crust of 6.5 km. Water tsunami could reach 10 km high. If Venus crossed Earth's orbit at 1 M km it'd exert a tidal deformation of a third of that, about 2 km for crust (more than 3 km for the tsunami). SATURN at 3 Million kilometres when running away from Earth, would exert a tidal force 4 times that of Planet Z (Mars at 200 thousand km). That is 30 km deformation for crust (40 km high tsunami). That COULD NOT BE!!!!

Following Velikovsky's plot, the imprisonment of Saturn gave rise to the First Flood (which I consider to be Ogyges Flood). Ogyges was a mythical king of Attica, which means "primordial", who was founder

of Thebes according to some sources), and is recorded on Plato's Critias, Timaeus and Laws. It is stated that there were no kings until the time of Crecrops (its etymology is not Greek). According to Plato this took place 9.000 years ago, and to Herodotus (300 generations). During the action, the Moon becomes a rogue planet/satellite. Probably Saturn enters some orbital resonance (either gravitational/tidal or electromagnetic) with Jupiter, dragging each other to the outer solar system.


Main rule in myth interpretation is: 'the more important the God the more powerful features it had (brightness, heat, lightning and SIZE). This situation may be saved by locating Cronus-Saturn very close to us (3 M km). However, no there is NOT just one account of such an HUGE DISC in sky (no myth, no mural, carving, fresco...) as previously stated. Although a Jupiter-Saturn clash at 0.7 UA is physically possible, it needs very extreme conditions which are highly unlikely (crust is 30-50 km and tidal deformation of Saturn at 3 M km would destroy it completely).


What most probably occurred after Proto-Jupiter drove Saturn's Golden Age to an end, was that Mars and Earth were sent out of Saturn's plasma-sheath at a distance of 2.5 AU approximately, causing the Ice Ages as the Earth was captured by the Sun and approached it. At that distance, Saturn's Hill Sphere will be 12 M km, so Earth could sit comfortably there and tidal/gravitational forces would be between 1/3 and 1/4 of that calculated for Planet Z; lithospheric deformation should be a third of those 6.5 km. Titanomachy set Zeus-Jupiter as the most important god in the sky for a short period while Earth's orbit was getting less eccentric. The former goddess of beauty and love, Venus, became a devilish comet as Saturn is hurled to the underworld. It gave rise to Ogyges Flood and Moon became a rogue planet/satellite during gods' wars.

During the process Earth gained a satellite, which was described in the Mahabharata and the Iliad millennia after, and stabilised its orbit around 0.7 AU which explains the use of lunar calendars by first historic cultures, the sun being not reliable in an eccentric orbit.

The aftermath is that Venus is released as a comet, interacting with Mars leading to a widespread cataclysm and creating 'Valles Marineris', and a lot of debris from its northern hemisphere. Earth's orbit is crossed by Comet Venus causing a POLE SHIFT from the original 23 degrees to 55 approximately. North pole moves to Hudson Bay/Terranova (Laurentide icesheet) and South Pole gets located in the Indian Ocean. This brings about the 2nd Flood (Deucalion-Noah-Ark). Debris from Mars' northern hemisphere is thrust to the asteroid belt. The Moon is captured by Earth and helps it to recover its gyroscopic original tilt quickly. We find evidence of this in first calendars being lunar (as Tiahuanaco calendar of 290 days).

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